Sofia SIP User Agent Library - "nta" - SIP Transactions Module


Module Meta Information

Sofia SIP Transaction API (nta) provides simple interface to the SIP transaction, transport and message handling. The nta interface is intended for both network and user elements. The public interface for nta is mostly defined in <sofia-sip/nta.h>, but tag parameters are defined in <sofia-sip/nta_tag.h>.

Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>
Sofia SIP Core library

NTA Objects

The NTA deals with a few kinds of objects: agent (nta_agent_t), call legs (nta_leg_t), outgoing client requests (nta_outgoing_t), and incoming server requests (nta_incoming_t).

NTA also uses SIP message objects msg_t and sip_t for handling messages, as defined in <sofia-sip/msg.h> and <sofia-sip/sip.h>, respectively. The various SIP headers are also defined in <sofia-sip/sip.h>.

Creating an NTA Agent

Most of the SIP entities, like user agent or proxy, consist of a SIP server and a SIP client working together. The NTA provides a simple interface to SIP server and client with the nta_agent_t objects.

The nta_agent_t object is created by calling nta_agent_create(). The object listens for incoming connections, receives messages, parses them, and pass them to the application. It also takes care of resolving the domain names and sending the messages.

The agent needs a su_root_t object to schedule its execution. A root object is used to wait for the network events, schedule the timer routines, and pass messages asyncronously. A root object can be created by, e.g., the function su_root_create(). The root object can be have its own thread, or its main loop can be executed by an application thread by calling the function su_root_run(). The main loop can be terminated by calling the function su_root_break().

A simple agent could be created as follows:

  registrar->reg_root = su_root_create(NULL);

  if (registrar->reg_root) {
    registrar->reg_agent = nta_agent_create(registrar->reg_root,

    if (registrar->reg_agent) {


SIP Server Action

A SIP server responds to the transactions sent by a client. The SIP server can operate in two modes; it can be stateless or stateful. This section describes how a stateful SIP server uses NTA.

The NTA Legs

A leg is required for stateful transaction processing. A default leg is created like this:

 default_leg = nta_leg_tcreate(agent, process_requests, context,

The url parameter is used to specify which URLs match to the leg. If it is given, only requests with requestURI matching are processed by the leg. The nta_leg_tcreate() is a tagarg function, taking a tagged argument list as its arguments.

Other, ordinary legs can be used to match incoming requests with existing dialogs, calls or transaction contexts, or to provide outgoing requests with consistent headers. When a call leg is created, it is provided with From and To headers, and optionally with other headers like Call-ID, Route, or CSeq.

A new call leg can be created as follows:

 call_leg = nta_leg_tcreate(agent,
                            process_call_requests, call_context,
In the example above, the From and To are reversed. This happens if the headers are taken from an incoming request; the From and To headers change direction when an outgoing request is initiated.
An existing leg can be used in any direction, however. If the leg was created for an incoming INVITE transaction, it is also possible to use the leg for an outgoing BYE transaction.

Tagging the Call Leg

All the SIP UAS elements are required to tag the To header in their final responses. The function nta_leg_tag() adds a tag to the leg's local address. Local address is used as the To header in the reply messages, and as the From header in the requests. The function nta_incoming_tag() adds a tag to a incoming transaction. They are usually used in together, using the tag from initial response to the dialog, too: e.g.,

   if (!nta_leg_tag(leg, nta_incoming_tag(irq, NULL)))
    nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, TAG_END());

Incoming Transactions

An incoming transaction object (nta_incoming_t) is created by NTA for each unique incoming request message. When NTA has created the incoming transaction object, it invokes the callback function provided with nta_leg_tcreate().

The simplest way to reply to the request is to return a valid status code from the callback function. Valid status codes are in range of 100 to 699, inclusive. If no automatic response is desired, the callback function should return 0.

If the status code is final, the incoming transaction object will be destroyed immediately after the callback function returns. It can not be used afterwards.
It is not possible to respond with a 2xx status code to an incoming INVITE transaction by returning the status code from the callback.

Valid return values for callback function are as follows:

All other return codes are interpreted as 500, that is, a 500 Internal Server Error reply message is sent back to the client and the request is immediately destroyed.

The simple registrar/redirect server may have a incoming request callback as follows:

 int process_request(server_t *server,
                       nta_leg_t *leg,
                       nta_incoming_t *irq,
                       sip_t const *sip)
   sip_contact_t *m;

   switch (sip->sip_request->rq_method) {
   case sip_method_register:
     return registrar_add(server, leg, reply, sip);

   case sip_method_ack:
     return 500;

   case sip_method_cancel:
     return 200;

     if (registrar_find(server, sip->sip_request->rq_url, &m) {
       nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY,
                           SIPTAG_CONTACT(m), TAG_END());
       return 302;
     else {
       nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_404_NOT_FOUND, TAG_END());
       return 404;

The default reply message will contain the status line with default phrase, then Via, To, From, Call-ID, CSeq, and Content-Length headers. If a more complex response message is required, the application should respond using the function nta_incoming_treply():

 nta_incoming_treply(reply, SIP_200_OK,

The nta_incoming_treply() is a tagarg function, taking a tagged argument list as its argument.

It is possible to send provisional replies (containing 1xx status codes) several times with nta_incoming_treply(), but only one final reply (containing status codes 2xx..6xx) can be sent. However, with INVITE requests, a proxy can send a final 2xx reply even after an error reply (3xx..6xx).

Reliable Provisional Responses - "100rel"

The 100rel SIP extension provides reliable provisional responses, provisional responses that are retransmitted until a special acknowledgement request, PRACK, is received. In addition the PRACK method, the extension defines two headers, RSeq and RAck, that are used to identify different response messages. PRACK method is usable on INVITE requests only.

Using reliable responses is negotiated using the "100rel" option tag. The UAC (party sending the INVITE) can include the option tag to the Supported or Require header. In the first case, the UAC just announces support for reliable responses, in the second case, the UAC requires that the UAS (party responding to the call) always sends provisional responses in reliable manner.

When reliable responses are enabled with NTATAG_REL100() tag, the nta engine automatically inserts the "100rel" option tag to the Supported header in the INVITE requests.

Responding Reliably

When a UAS wants to respond reliably to a INVITE request, instead of familiar nta_incoming_treply() or nta_incoming_mreply() it uses the functions nta_reliable_treply() or nta_reliable_mreply(). These functions return a pointer to a special object, nta_reliable_t, that is used to keep track of unacknowledged responses and respond to the the PRACK acknowledgement request.

Both the functions nta_reliable_treply () and nta_reliable_mreply() take a callback funtion pointer and an application context pointer as their arguments. The callback function is similar to the leg callback function. The callback is invoked when a corresponding PRACK request is received, or when there is a timeout.

The nta takes care of assigning a serial number to each reliable response and resending them if no PRACK request is received. It also automatically adds the 100rel option tag to the Require header.

Also, if a request with 100rel in Require header is responded with usual nta_incoming_treply()/nta_incoming_mreply() functions, the nta creates a reliable response object for each provisional response in behalf of application. As the application can not provide a PRACK callback function to nta, the PRACK requests are not delivered to the application.

UAC Receives a Reliable Response

When a UAC receives a provisional response with a RSeq header, it is required to acknowledge it. In order to do that, it must establish an early dialog with the UAS. In another view, a reliable response is used to establish the early dialog. UAC establishes a leg object for the early dialog by calling nta_leg_tcreate() with the parameters derived from the response message.

 int invite_callback(call_t *call,
                    nta_outgoing_t *orq,
                    sip_t const *sip)
   int status = sip->sip_status->st_status;

   if (!call->has_dialog &&
       (status >= 200 || (status > 100 && sip->sip_rseq))) {
     nta_leg_t *early =
       nta_leg_tcreate(call->nta_agent, mid_dialog_request, call,


     fork = call_fork(call, leg = early);

     if (!fork) {
       handle error;
     call = fork;

The original dialog object and client transaction object are used to process other call forks. For instance, if the early dialog is established with an announcement server it will never lead to an fully established call, but an another dialog will be used when the call is completed.

Acknowledging Reliable Response

After an early dialog has been established, acknowledging the reliable response is trivial. The application can create a PRACK client transaction object by calling nta_outgoing_prack()

SIP Client Action

A SIP client initiates the transactions. In some cases, a SIP client is also required to invoke additional transactions, like ACK or CANCEL, to finalize the original transaction. This section describes how a SIP client uses NTA to make transactions.

Creating the Call Leg

If the client does not have a suitable call leg, it must create it by calling the function nta_leg_tcreate():

 context->leg = nta_leg_tcreate(agent,
                                callback, context,

The callback function and context pointer are used for incoming transactions, and they may be NULL if no such transactions are expected. If the callback is NULL, NTA responds to incoming transactions with status 403 Forbidden.

The call_id may be NULL or left out. In that case, NTA generates a new call ID.

The from and to are used in outgoing transactions. They are also used to select which incoming messages belong to this leg.

The initial sequence number can be supplied with SIPTAG_CSEQ() (taking a CSeq structure as parameter).

The additional parameters (after to) are included in outgoing messages using this leg. Currently, only SIPTAG_ROUTE() is supported.

Additional tagged parameters are ignored.

Outgoing requests

The outgoing request is created and sent by nta_outgoing_tcreate(). It can be used as follows:

 oreq = nta_outgoing_tcreate(leg, response_to_register, reg,

NTA invokes the callback function response_to_register() each time a provisional answer is received, and when a final answer is received.

There may be multiple final answers to the INVITE request.

If NTA does not receive answer in timely manner, it will generate a 408 Timeout response and hand that back to the application.

After a provisional answer to the INVITE request, no timeout will occur inside NTA. Application must itself timeout the INVITE transactions if any answer has been received.

The request can be destroyed with NTA function nta_outgoing_destroy(). If no final answer has been received, the request is cancelled when it is destroyed, too. The application can also cancel the outgoing request by calling nta_outgoing_cancel().

Acknowledging Answers to INVITE

The final answers to the INVITE request must be acknowledged. NTA takes care of acknowledging automatically the 3xx..6xx answers; the appliction must explicitly create a separate acknowledge transaction to final 2xx answers.

The final answer can be acknowledged like this:

  url = sip->sip_contact ? sip->sip_contact->m_url : original_url;
  ack = nta_outgoing_tcreate(leg, NULL, NULL,
The ACK transaction should be sent to the Contact specified in the 2xx reply.

Stateless Processing of SIP Messages

When an NTA agent is created, it is possible to provide it with a stateless callback function. The callback function will be called when an incoming SIP request or response message does not match with an existing transaction.

Before invoking the stateless callback the agent will try to match the incoming request message with an existing dialog or dialog-less leg (or default leg). So, if you have created a default leg, all request messages are processed statefully by it instead of being passed to the stateless callback function.

If you want to process request messages with stateless callback and still use dialog-less legs (for instance, in order to look up domains with nta_leg_by_uri()), you have to switch over to stateless mode by including NTATAG_STATELESS(1) in nta_agent_create() or nta_agent_set_params() arguments.

Also, if a response message does not match with an existing client transaction, the agent will try to use the default outgoing (client) transaction. If you have created an default outgoing transaction, all stray response messages are passed to it instead of the stateless processing function.

Stateless Callback Function

In addition to the message (msg) and its parsed contents (sip) the callback function gets the application-specific context pointer (in this case, registrar) and a pointer to the NTA agent (agent) as its arguments:

 int process_message(nta_agent_context_t *registrar,
                       nta_agent_t *agent,
                       msg_t *msg,
                       sip_t *sip);

The application has three functions that can be used to process the messages in stateless manner:

Additionally, it is possible to process a request message statefully with nta_incoming_create().

The functionality of the stateless callback function can vary greatly, depending the purpose of the application. An user-agent, a proxy or a registrar/redirect server each have very different callback functions.

A simple redirect server could have a message callback function as follows.

 int process_message(redirect_t *r,
                       nta_agent_t *agent,
                       msg_t *msg,
                       sip_t *sip)
   sip_contact_t *m;
   sip_unsupported_t *u;

The incoming response messages are simply ignored. The ACK requests can safely be discarded, too, because the redirect server keeps no state.

   if (!sip->sip_request || sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_ack) {
     nta_msg_discard(agent, msg);
     return 0;

Next, the redirect server first checks if processing the request requires a feature that is not supported by it:

   u = sip_unsupported(msg_home(msg), sip->sip_require, r->r_supported);
   if (u) {
     nta_msg_treply(agent, msg, SIP_420_BAD_EXTENSION,
     return 0;

The CANCEL requests terminate a transacton. A stateless redirect server does not have transactions, so it redirect replies with a 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist message:

   if (sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_cancel) {
     nta_msg_treply(agent, msg, SIP_481_NO_TRANSACTION, TAG_END());
     return 0;

All other requests are answered normally with a 302 response. The location service is searched for the request uri, and if a matching address was found, a list of active bindings is returned to the client.

   m = location_find(redirect, sip->sip_request->rq_url);
   if (m) {
     nta_msg_treply(agent, msg, SIP_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY,

Otherwise, 404 Not Found is sent:

   else {
     nta_msg_treply(agent, msg, SIP_404_NOT_FOUND, TAG_END());

   return 0;
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