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sofia-sip/http_protos.h File Reference

Macros for each HTTP header. More...

#include <sofia-sip/su_config.h>
#include <sofia-sip/http_header.h>
#include <sofia-sip/http_hclasses.h>
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 Defined when <sofia-sip/http_protos.h> has been included.
 Initializer for structure http_request_t.
 Initializer for structure http_status_t.
 Initializer for structure http_accept_t.
 Initializer for structure http_accept_charset_t.
 Initializer for structure http_accept_encoding_t.
 Initializer for structure http_accept_language_t.
 Initializer for structure http_accept_ranges_t.
 Initializer for structure http_allow_t.
 Initializer for structure http_authentication_info_t.
 Initializer for structure http_authorization_t.
#define HTTP_AGE_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_age_t.
 Initializer for structure http_cache_control_t.
 Initializer for structure http_connection_t.
#define HTTP_DATE_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_date_t.
#define HTTP_ETAG_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_etag_t.
 Initializer for structure http_expect_t.
 Initializer for structure http_expires_t.
#define HTTP_FROM_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_from_t.
#define HTTP_HOST_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_host_t.
 Initializer for structure http_if_match_t.
 Initializer for structure http_if_modified_since_t.
 Initializer for structure http_if_none_match_t.
 Initializer for structure http_if_range_t.
 Initializer for structure http_if_unmodified_since_t.
 Initializer for structure http_last_modified_t.
 Initializer for structure http_location_t.
 Initializer for structure http_max_forwards_t.
 Initializer for structure http_pragma_t.
 Initializer for structure http_proxy_authenticate_t.
 Initializer for structure http_proxy_authorization_t.
 Initializer for structure http_range_t.
 Initializer for structure http_referer_t.
 Initializer for structure http_retry_after_t.
 Initializer for structure http_server_t.
#define HTTP_TE_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_te_t.
 Initializer for structure http_trailer_t.
 Initializer for structure http_transfer_encoding_t.
 Initializer for structure http_upgrade_t.
 Initializer for structure http_user_agent_t.
#define HTTP_VARY_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_vary_t.
#define HTTP_VIA_INIT()
 Initializer for structure http_via_t.
 Initializer for structure http_warning_t.
 Initializer for structure http_www_authenticate_t.
 Initializer for structure http_proxy_connection_t.
 Initializer for structure http_set_cookie_t.
 Initializer for structure http_cookie_t.
 Initializer for structure http_mime_version_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_encoding_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_language_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_length_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_location_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_md5_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_range_t.
 Initializer for structure http_content_type_t.
 Initializer for structure http_unknown_t.
 Initializer for structure http_error_t.
 Initializer for structure http_separator_t.
 Initializer for structure http_payload_t.


enum  { http_request_hash }
enum  { http_status_hash }
enum  { http_accept_hash }
enum  { http_accept_charset_hash }
enum  { http_accept_encoding_hash }
enum  { http_accept_language_hash }
enum  { http_accept_ranges_hash }
enum  { http_allow_hash }
enum  { http_authentication_info_hash }
enum  { http_authorization_hash }
enum  { http_age_hash }
enum  { http_cache_control_hash }
enum  { http_connection_hash }
enum  { http_date_hash }
enum  { http_etag_hash }
enum  { http_expect_hash }
enum  { http_expires_hash }
enum  { http_from_hash }
enum  { http_host_hash }
enum  { http_if_match_hash }
enum  { http_if_modified_since_hash }
enum  { http_if_none_match_hash }
enum  { http_if_range_hash }
enum  { http_if_unmodified_since_hash }
enum  { http_last_modified_hash }
enum  { http_location_hash }
enum  { http_max_forwards_hash }
enum  { http_pragma_hash }
enum  { http_proxy_authenticate_hash }
enum  { http_proxy_authorization_hash }
enum  { http_range_hash }
enum  { http_referer_hash }
enum  { http_retry_after_hash }
enum  { http_server_hash }
enum  { http_te_hash }
enum  { http_trailer_hash }
enum  { http_transfer_encoding_hash }
enum  { http_upgrade_hash }
enum  { http_user_agent_hash }
enum  { http_vary_hash }
enum  { http_via_hash }
enum  { http_warning_hash }
enum  { http_www_authenticate_hash }
enum  { http_proxy_connection_hash }
enum  { http_set_cookie_hash }
enum  { http_cookie_hash }
enum  { http_mime_version_hash }
enum  { http_content_encoding_hash }
enum  { http_content_language_hash }
enum  { http_content_length_hash }
enum  { http_content_location_hash }
enum  { http_content_md5_hash }
enum  { http_content_range_hash }
enum  { http_content_type_hash }
enum  { http_unknown_hash }
enum  { http_error_hash }
enum  { http_separator_hash }
enum  { http_payload_hash }


http_request_thttp_request_init (http_request_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_request_t.
int http_is_request (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_request_t.
http_request_thttp_request_dup (su_home_t *home, http_request_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_request_t.
http_request_thttp_request_copy (su_home_t *home, http_request_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_request_t header structure.
http_request_thttp_request_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_request_t.
http_request_thttp_request_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a request line from formatting result.
http_status_thttp_status_init (http_status_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_status_t.
int http_is_status (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_status_t.
http_status_thttp_status_dup (su_home_t *home, http_status_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_status_t.
http_status_thttp_status_copy (su_home_t *home, http_status_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_status_t header structure.
http_status_thttp_status_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_status_t.
http_status_thttp_status_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a status line from formatting result.
http_accept_thttp_accept_init (http_accept_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_accept_t.
int http_is_accept (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_accept_t.
http_accept_thttp_accept_dup (su_home_t *home, http_accept_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_accept_t.
http_accept_thttp_accept_copy (su_home_t *home, http_accept_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_accept_t header structure.
http_accept_thttp_accept_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_accept_t.
http_accept_thttp_accept_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Accept header from formatting result.
http_accept_charset_t * http_accept_charset_init (http_accept_charset_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_accept_charset_t.
int http_is_accept_charset (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_accept_charset_t.
http_accept_charset_t * http_accept_charset_dup (su_home_t *home, http_accept_charset_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_accept_charset_t.
http_accept_charset_t * http_accept_charset_copy (su_home_t *home, http_accept_charset_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_accept_charset_t header structure.
http_accept_charset_t * http_accept_charset_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_accept_charset_t.
http_accept_charset_t * http_accept_charset_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Accept-Charset header from formatting result.
http_accept_encoding_t * http_accept_encoding_init (http_accept_encoding_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_accept_encoding_t.
int http_is_accept_encoding (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_accept_encoding_t.
http_accept_encoding_t * http_accept_encoding_dup (su_home_t *home, http_accept_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_accept_encoding_t.
http_accept_encoding_t * http_accept_encoding_copy (su_home_t *home, http_accept_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_accept_encoding_t header structure.
http_accept_encoding_t * http_accept_encoding_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_accept_encoding_t.
http_accept_encoding_t * http_accept_encoding_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Accept-Encoding header from formatting result.
http_accept_language_t * http_accept_language_init (http_accept_language_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_accept_language_t.
int http_is_accept_language (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_accept_language_t.
http_accept_language_t * http_accept_language_dup (su_home_t *home, http_accept_language_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_accept_language_t.
http_accept_language_t * http_accept_language_copy (su_home_t *home, http_accept_language_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_accept_language_t header structure.
http_accept_language_t * http_accept_language_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_accept_language_t.
http_accept_language_t * http_accept_language_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Accept-Language header from formatting result.
http_accept_ranges_thttp_accept_ranges_init (http_accept_ranges_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_accept_ranges_t.
int http_is_accept_ranges (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_accept_ranges_t.
http_accept_ranges_thttp_accept_ranges_dup (su_home_t *home, http_accept_ranges_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_accept_ranges_t.
http_accept_ranges_thttp_accept_ranges_copy (su_home_t *home, http_accept_ranges_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_accept_ranges_t header structure.
http_accept_ranges_thttp_accept_ranges_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_accept_ranges_t.
http_accept_ranges_thttp_accept_ranges_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Accept-Ranges header from formatting result.
http_allow_thttp_allow_init (http_allow_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_allow_t.
int http_is_allow (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_allow_t.
http_allow_thttp_allow_dup (su_home_t *home, http_allow_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_allow_t.
http_allow_thttp_allow_copy (su_home_t *home, http_allow_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_allow_t header structure.
http_allow_thttp_allow_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_allow_t.
http_allow_thttp_allow_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Allow header from formatting result.
http_authentication_info_t * http_authentication_info_init (http_authentication_info_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_authentication_info_t.
int http_is_authentication_info (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_authentication_info_t.
http_authentication_info_t * http_authentication_info_dup (su_home_t *home, http_authentication_info_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_authentication_info_t.
http_authentication_info_t * http_authentication_info_copy (su_home_t *home, http_authentication_info_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_authentication_info_t header structure.
http_authentication_info_t * http_authentication_info_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_authentication_info_t.
http_authentication_info_t * http_authentication_info_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Authentication-Info header from formatting result.
http_authorization_t * http_authorization_init (http_authorization_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_authorization_t.
int http_is_authorization (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_authorization_t.
http_authorization_t * http_authorization_dup (su_home_t *home, http_authorization_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_authorization_t.
http_authorization_t * http_authorization_copy (su_home_t *home, http_authorization_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_authorization_t header structure.
http_authorization_t * http_authorization_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_authorization_t.
http_authorization_t * http_authorization_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Authorization header from formatting result.
http_age_t * http_age_init (http_age_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_age_t.
int http_is_age (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_age_t.
http_age_t * http_age_dup (su_home_t *home, http_age_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_age_t.
http_age_t * http_age_copy (su_home_t *home, http_age_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_age_t header structure.
http_age_t * http_age_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_age_t.
http_age_t * http_age_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Age header from formatting result.
http_cache_control_thttp_cache_control_init (http_cache_control_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_cache_control_t.
int http_is_cache_control (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_cache_control_t.
http_cache_control_thttp_cache_control_dup (su_home_t *home, http_cache_control_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_cache_control_t.
http_cache_control_thttp_cache_control_copy (su_home_t *home, http_cache_control_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_cache_control_t header structure.
http_cache_control_thttp_cache_control_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_cache_control_t.
http_cache_control_thttp_cache_control_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Cache-Control header from formatting result.
http_connection_thttp_connection_init (http_connection_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_connection_t.
int http_is_connection (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_connection_t.
http_connection_thttp_connection_dup (su_home_t *home, http_connection_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_connection_t.
http_connection_thttp_connection_copy (su_home_t *home, http_connection_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_connection_t header structure.
http_connection_thttp_connection_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_connection_t.
http_connection_thttp_connection_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Connection header from formatting result.
http_date_thttp_date_init (http_date_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_date_t.
int http_is_date (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_date_t.
http_date_thttp_date_dup (su_home_t *home, http_date_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_date_t.
http_date_thttp_date_copy (su_home_t *home, http_date_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_date_t header structure.
http_date_thttp_date_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_date_t.
http_date_thttp_date_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Date header from formatting result.
http_etag_t * http_etag_init (http_etag_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_etag_t.
int http_is_etag (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_etag_t.
http_etag_t * http_etag_dup (su_home_t *home, http_etag_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_etag_t.
http_etag_t * http_etag_copy (su_home_t *home, http_etag_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_etag_t header structure.
http_etag_t * http_etag_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_etag_t.
http_etag_t * http_etag_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a ETag header from formatting result.
http_expect_t * http_expect_init (http_expect_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_expect_t.
int http_is_expect (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_expect_t.
http_expect_t * http_expect_dup (su_home_t *home, http_expect_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_expect_t.
http_expect_t * http_expect_copy (su_home_t *home, http_expect_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_expect_t header structure.
http_expect_t * http_expect_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_expect_t.
http_expect_t * http_expect_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Expect header from formatting result.
http_expires_thttp_expires_init (http_expires_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_expires_t.
int http_is_expires (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_expires_t.
http_expires_thttp_expires_dup (su_home_t *home, http_expires_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_expires_t.
http_expires_thttp_expires_copy (su_home_t *home, http_expires_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_expires_t header structure.
http_expires_thttp_expires_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_expires_t.
http_expires_thttp_expires_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Expires header from formatting result.
http_from_t * http_from_init (http_from_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_from_t.
int http_is_from (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_from_t.
http_from_t * http_from_dup (su_home_t *home, http_from_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_from_t.
http_from_t * http_from_copy (su_home_t *home, http_from_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_from_t header structure.
http_from_t * http_from_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_from_t.
http_from_t * http_from_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a From header from formatting result.
http_host_thttp_host_init (http_host_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_host_t.
int http_is_host (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_host_t.
http_host_thttp_host_dup (su_home_t *home, http_host_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_host_t.
http_host_thttp_host_copy (su_home_t *home, http_host_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_host_t header structure.
http_host_thttp_host_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_host_t.
http_host_thttp_host_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Host header from formatting result.
http_if_match_thttp_if_match_init (http_if_match_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_if_match_t.
int http_is_if_match (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_if_match_t.
http_if_match_thttp_if_match_dup (su_home_t *home, http_if_match_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_if_match_t.
http_if_match_thttp_if_match_copy (su_home_t *home, http_if_match_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_if_match_t header structure.
http_if_match_thttp_if_match_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_if_match_t.
http_if_match_thttp_if_match_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a If-Match header from formatting result.
http_if_modified_since_thttp_if_modified_since_init (http_if_modified_since_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_if_modified_since_t.
int http_is_if_modified_since (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_if_modified_since_t.
http_if_modified_since_thttp_if_modified_since_dup (su_home_t *home, http_if_modified_since_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_if_modified_since_t.
http_if_modified_since_thttp_if_modified_since_copy (su_home_t *home, http_if_modified_since_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_if_modified_since_t header structure.
http_if_modified_since_thttp_if_modified_since_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_if_modified_since_t.
http_if_modified_since_thttp_if_modified_since_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a If-Modified-Since header from formatting result.
http_if_none_match_thttp_if_none_match_init (http_if_none_match_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_if_none_match_t.
int http_is_if_none_match (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_if_none_match_t.
http_if_none_match_thttp_if_none_match_dup (su_home_t *home, http_if_none_match_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_if_none_match_t.
http_if_none_match_thttp_if_none_match_copy (su_home_t *home, http_if_none_match_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_if_none_match_t header structure.
http_if_none_match_thttp_if_none_match_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_if_none_match_t.
http_if_none_match_thttp_if_none_match_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a If-None-Match header from formatting result.
http_if_range_thttp_if_range_init (http_if_range_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_if_range_t.
int http_is_if_range (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_if_range_t.
http_if_range_thttp_if_range_dup (su_home_t *home, http_if_range_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_if_range_t.
http_if_range_thttp_if_range_copy (su_home_t *home, http_if_range_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_if_range_t header structure.
http_if_range_thttp_if_range_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_if_range_t.
http_if_range_thttp_if_range_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a If-Range header from formatting result.
http_if_unmodified_since_thttp_if_unmodified_since_init (http_if_unmodified_since_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_if_unmodified_since_t.
int http_is_if_unmodified_since (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_if_unmodified_since_t.
http_if_unmodified_since_thttp_if_unmodified_since_dup (su_home_t *home, http_if_unmodified_since_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_if_unmodified_since_t.
http_if_unmodified_since_thttp_if_unmodified_since_copy (su_home_t *home, http_if_unmodified_since_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_if_unmodified_since_t header structure.
http_if_unmodified_since_thttp_if_unmodified_since_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_if_unmodified_since_t.
http_if_unmodified_since_thttp_if_unmodified_since_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a If-Unmodified-Since header from formatting result.
http_last_modified_thttp_last_modified_init (http_last_modified_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_last_modified_t.
int http_is_last_modified (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_last_modified_t.
http_last_modified_thttp_last_modified_dup (su_home_t *home, http_last_modified_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_last_modified_t.
http_last_modified_thttp_last_modified_copy (su_home_t *home, http_last_modified_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_last_modified_t header structure.
http_last_modified_thttp_last_modified_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_last_modified_t.
http_last_modified_thttp_last_modified_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Last-Modified header from formatting result.
http_location_thttp_location_init (http_location_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_location_t.
int http_is_location (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_location_t.
http_location_thttp_location_dup (su_home_t *home, http_location_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_location_t.
http_location_thttp_location_copy (su_home_t *home, http_location_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_location_t header structure.
http_location_thttp_location_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_location_t.
http_location_thttp_location_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Location header from formatting result.
http_max_forwards_thttp_max_forwards_init (http_max_forwards_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_max_forwards_t.
int http_is_max_forwards (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_max_forwards_t.
http_max_forwards_thttp_max_forwards_dup (su_home_t *home, http_max_forwards_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_max_forwards_t.
http_max_forwards_thttp_max_forwards_copy (su_home_t *home, http_max_forwards_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_max_forwards_t header structure.
http_max_forwards_thttp_max_forwards_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_max_forwards_t.
http_max_forwards_thttp_max_forwards_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Max-Forwards header from formatting result.
http_pragma_thttp_pragma_init (http_pragma_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_pragma_t.
int http_is_pragma (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_pragma_t.
http_pragma_thttp_pragma_dup (su_home_t *home, http_pragma_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_pragma_t.
http_pragma_thttp_pragma_copy (su_home_t *home, http_pragma_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_pragma_t header structure.
http_pragma_thttp_pragma_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_pragma_t.
http_pragma_thttp_pragma_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Pragma header from formatting result.
http_proxy_authenticate_t * http_proxy_authenticate_init (http_proxy_authenticate_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_proxy_authenticate_t.
int http_is_proxy_authenticate (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_proxy_authenticate_t.
http_proxy_authenticate_t * http_proxy_authenticate_dup (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_authenticate_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_proxy_authenticate_t.
http_proxy_authenticate_t * http_proxy_authenticate_copy (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_authenticate_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_proxy_authenticate_t header structure.
http_proxy_authenticate_t * http_proxy_authenticate_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_proxy_authenticate_t.
http_proxy_authenticate_t * http_proxy_authenticate_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Proxy-Authenticate header from formatting result.
http_proxy_authorization_t * http_proxy_authorization_init (http_proxy_authorization_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_proxy_authorization_t.
int http_is_proxy_authorization (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_proxy_authorization_t.
http_proxy_authorization_t * http_proxy_authorization_dup (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_authorization_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_proxy_authorization_t.
http_proxy_authorization_t * http_proxy_authorization_copy (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_authorization_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_proxy_authorization_t header structure.
http_proxy_authorization_t * http_proxy_authorization_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_proxy_authorization_t.
http_proxy_authorization_t * http_proxy_authorization_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Proxy-Authorization header from formatting result.
http_range_thttp_range_init (http_range_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_range_t.
int http_is_range (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_range_t.
http_range_thttp_range_dup (su_home_t *home, http_range_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_range_t.
http_range_thttp_range_copy (su_home_t *home, http_range_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_range_t header structure.
http_range_thttp_range_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_range_t.
http_range_thttp_range_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Range header from formatting result.
http_referer_thttp_referer_init (http_referer_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_referer_t.
int http_is_referer (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_referer_t.
http_referer_thttp_referer_dup (su_home_t *home, http_referer_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_referer_t.
http_referer_thttp_referer_copy (su_home_t *home, http_referer_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_referer_t header structure.
http_referer_thttp_referer_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_referer_t.
http_referer_thttp_referer_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Referer header from formatting result.
http_retry_after_thttp_retry_after_init (http_retry_after_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_retry_after_t.
int http_is_retry_after (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_retry_after_t.
http_retry_after_thttp_retry_after_dup (su_home_t *home, http_retry_after_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_retry_after_t.
http_retry_after_thttp_retry_after_copy (su_home_t *home, http_retry_after_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_retry_after_t header structure.
http_retry_after_thttp_retry_after_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_retry_after_t.
http_retry_after_thttp_retry_after_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Retry-After header from formatting result.
http_server_t * http_server_init (http_server_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_server_t.
int http_is_server (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_server_t.
http_server_t * http_server_dup (su_home_t *home, http_server_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_server_t.
http_server_t * http_server_copy (su_home_t *home, http_server_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_server_t header structure.
http_server_t * http_server_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_server_t.
http_server_t * http_server_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Server header from formatting result.
http_te_thttp_te_init (http_te_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_te_t.
int http_is_te (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_te_t.
http_te_thttp_te_dup (su_home_t *home, http_te_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_te_t.
http_te_thttp_te_copy (su_home_t *home, http_te_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_te_t header structure.
http_te_thttp_te_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_te_t.
http_te_thttp_te_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a TE header from formatting result.
http_trailer_thttp_trailer_init (http_trailer_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_trailer_t.
int http_is_trailer (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_trailer_t.
http_trailer_thttp_trailer_dup (su_home_t *home, http_trailer_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_trailer_t.
http_trailer_thttp_trailer_copy (su_home_t *home, http_trailer_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_trailer_t header structure.
http_trailer_thttp_trailer_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_trailer_t.
http_trailer_thttp_trailer_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Trailer header from formatting result.
http_transfer_encoding_thttp_transfer_encoding_init (http_transfer_encoding_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_transfer_encoding_t.
int http_is_transfer_encoding (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_transfer_encoding_t.
http_transfer_encoding_thttp_transfer_encoding_dup (su_home_t *home, http_transfer_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_transfer_encoding_t.
http_transfer_encoding_thttp_transfer_encoding_copy (su_home_t *home, http_transfer_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_transfer_encoding_t header structure.
http_transfer_encoding_thttp_transfer_encoding_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_transfer_encoding_t.
http_transfer_encoding_thttp_transfer_encoding_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Transfer-Encoding header from formatting result.
http_upgrade_thttp_upgrade_init (http_upgrade_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_upgrade_t.
int http_is_upgrade (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_upgrade_t.
http_upgrade_thttp_upgrade_dup (su_home_t *home, http_upgrade_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_upgrade_t.
http_upgrade_thttp_upgrade_copy (su_home_t *home, http_upgrade_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_upgrade_t header structure.
http_upgrade_thttp_upgrade_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_upgrade_t.
http_upgrade_thttp_upgrade_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Upgrade header from formatting result.
http_user_agent_t * http_user_agent_init (http_user_agent_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_user_agent_t.
int http_is_user_agent (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_user_agent_t.
http_user_agent_t * http_user_agent_dup (su_home_t *home, http_user_agent_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_user_agent_t.
http_user_agent_t * http_user_agent_copy (su_home_t *home, http_user_agent_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_user_agent_t header structure.
http_user_agent_t * http_user_agent_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_user_agent_t.
http_user_agent_t * http_user_agent_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a User-Agent header from formatting result.
http_vary_thttp_vary_init (http_vary_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_vary_t.
int http_is_vary (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_vary_t.
http_vary_thttp_vary_dup (su_home_t *home, http_vary_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_vary_t.
http_vary_thttp_vary_copy (su_home_t *home, http_vary_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_vary_t header structure.
http_vary_thttp_vary_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_vary_t.
http_vary_thttp_vary_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Vary header from formatting result.
http_via_thttp_via_init (http_via_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_via_t.
int http_is_via (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_via_t.
http_via_thttp_via_dup (su_home_t *home, http_via_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_via_t.
http_via_thttp_via_copy (su_home_t *home, http_via_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_via_t header structure.
http_via_thttp_via_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_via_t.
http_via_thttp_via_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Via header from formatting result.
http_warning_thttp_warning_init (http_warning_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_warning_t.
int http_is_warning (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_warning_t.
http_warning_thttp_warning_dup (su_home_t *home, http_warning_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_warning_t.
http_warning_thttp_warning_copy (su_home_t *home, http_warning_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_warning_t header structure.
http_warning_thttp_warning_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_warning_t.
http_warning_thttp_warning_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Warning header from formatting result.
http_www_authenticate_t * http_www_authenticate_init (http_www_authenticate_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_www_authenticate_t.
int http_is_www_authenticate (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_www_authenticate_t.
http_www_authenticate_t * http_www_authenticate_dup (su_home_t *home, http_www_authenticate_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_www_authenticate_t.
http_www_authenticate_t * http_www_authenticate_copy (su_home_t *home, http_www_authenticate_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_www_authenticate_t header structure.
http_www_authenticate_t * http_www_authenticate_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_www_authenticate_t.
http_www_authenticate_t * http_www_authenticate_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a WWW-Authenticate header from formatting result.
http_proxy_connection_thttp_proxy_connection_init (http_proxy_connection_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_proxy_connection_t.
int http_is_proxy_connection (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_proxy_connection_t.
http_proxy_connection_thttp_proxy_connection_dup (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_connection_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_proxy_connection_t.
http_proxy_connection_thttp_proxy_connection_copy (su_home_t *home, http_proxy_connection_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_proxy_connection_t header structure.
http_proxy_connection_thttp_proxy_connection_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_proxy_connection_t.
http_proxy_connection_thttp_proxy_connection_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Proxy-Connection header from formatting result.
http_set_cookie_thttp_set_cookie_init (http_set_cookie_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_set_cookie_t.
int http_is_set_cookie (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_set_cookie_t.
http_set_cookie_thttp_set_cookie_dup (su_home_t *home, http_set_cookie_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_set_cookie_t.
http_set_cookie_thttp_set_cookie_copy (su_home_t *home, http_set_cookie_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_set_cookie_t header structure.
http_set_cookie_thttp_set_cookie_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_set_cookie_t.
http_set_cookie_thttp_set_cookie_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Set-Cookie header from formatting result.
http_cookie_thttp_cookie_init (http_cookie_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_cookie_t.
int http_is_cookie (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_cookie_t.
http_cookie_thttp_cookie_dup (su_home_t *home, http_cookie_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_cookie_t.
http_cookie_thttp_cookie_copy (su_home_t *home, http_cookie_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_cookie_t header structure.
http_cookie_thttp_cookie_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_cookie_t.
http_cookie_thttp_cookie_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Cookie header from formatting result.
http_mime_version_t * http_mime_version_init (http_mime_version_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_mime_version_t.
int http_is_mime_version (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_mime_version_t.
http_mime_version_t * http_mime_version_dup (su_home_t *home, http_mime_version_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_mime_version_t.
http_mime_version_t * http_mime_version_copy (su_home_t *home, http_mime_version_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_mime_version_t header structure.
http_mime_version_t * http_mime_version_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_mime_version_t.
http_mime_version_t * http_mime_version_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a MIME-Version header from formatting result.
http_content_encoding_thttp_content_encoding_init (http_content_encoding_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_encoding_t.
int http_is_content_encoding (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_encoding_t.
http_content_encoding_thttp_content_encoding_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_encoding_t.
http_content_encoding_thttp_content_encoding_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_encoding_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_encoding_t header structure.
http_content_encoding_thttp_content_encoding_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_encoding_t.
http_content_encoding_thttp_content_encoding_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Encoding header from formatting result.
http_content_language_thttp_content_language_init (http_content_language_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_language_t.
int http_is_content_language (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_language_t.
http_content_language_thttp_content_language_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_language_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_language_t.
http_content_language_thttp_content_language_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_language_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_language_t header structure.
http_content_language_thttp_content_language_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_language_t.
http_content_language_thttp_content_language_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Language header from formatting result.
http_content_length_thttp_content_length_init (http_content_length_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_length_t.
int http_is_content_length (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_length_t.
http_content_length_thttp_content_length_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_length_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_length_t.
http_content_length_thttp_content_length_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_length_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_length_t header structure.
http_content_length_thttp_content_length_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_length_t.
http_content_length_thttp_content_length_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Length header from formatting result.
http_content_location_t * http_content_location_init (http_content_location_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_location_t.
int http_is_content_location (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_location_t.
http_content_location_t * http_content_location_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_location_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_location_t.
http_content_location_t * http_content_location_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_location_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_location_t header structure.
http_content_location_t * http_content_location_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_location_t.
http_content_location_t * http_content_location_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Location header from formatting result.
http_content_md5_t * http_content_md5_init (http_content_md5_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_md5_t.
int http_is_content_md5 (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_md5_t.
http_content_md5_t * http_content_md5_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_md5_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_md5_t.
http_content_md5_t * http_content_md5_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_md5_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_md5_t header structure.
http_content_md5_t * http_content_md5_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_md5_t.
http_content_md5_t * http_content_md5_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-MD5 header from formatting result.
http_content_range_thttp_content_range_init (http_content_range_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_range_t.
int http_is_content_range (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_range_t.
http_content_range_thttp_content_range_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_range_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_range_t.
http_content_range_thttp_content_range_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_range_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_range_t header structure.
http_content_range_thttp_content_range_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_range_t.
http_content_range_thttp_content_range_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Range header from formatting result.
http_content_type_thttp_content_type_init (http_content_type_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_content_type_t.
int http_is_content_type (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_content_type_t.
http_content_type_thttp_content_type_dup (su_home_t *home, http_content_type_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_content_type_t.
http_content_type_thttp_content_type_copy (su_home_t *home, http_content_type_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_content_type_t header structure.
http_content_type_thttp_content_type_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_content_type_t.
http_content_type_thttp_content_type_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a Content-Type header from formatting result.
http_unknown_thttp_unknown_init (http_unknown_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_unknown_t.
int http_is_unknown (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_unknown_t.
http_unknown_thttp_unknown_dup (su_home_t *home, http_unknown_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_unknown_t.
http_unknown_thttp_unknown_copy (su_home_t *home, http_unknown_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_unknown_t header structure.
http_unknown_thttp_unknown_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_unknown_t.
http_unknown_thttp_unknown_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a unknown headers from formatting result.
http_error_thttp_error_init (http_error_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_error_t.
int http_is_error (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_error_t.
http_error_thttp_error_dup (su_home_t *home, http_error_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_error_t.
http_error_thttp_error_copy (su_home_t *home, http_error_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_error_t header structure.
http_error_thttp_error_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_error_t.
http_error_thttp_error_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a erroneous headers from formatting result.
http_separator_thttp_separator_init (http_separator_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_separator_t.
int http_is_separator (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_separator_t.
http_separator_thttp_separator_dup (su_home_t *home, http_separator_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_separator_t.
http_separator_thttp_separator_copy (su_home_t *home, http_separator_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_separator_t header structure.
http_separator_thttp_separator_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_separator_t.
http_separator_thttp_separator_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a separator line between headers and body from formatting result.
http_payload_thttp_payload_init (http_payload_t x[1])
 Initialize a structure http_payload_t.
int http_is_payload (http_header_t const *header)
 Test if header object is instance of http_payload_t.
http_payload_thttp_payload_dup (su_home_t *home, http_payload_t const *hdr))
 Duplicate (deep copy) http_payload_t.
http_payload_thttp_payload_copy (su_home_t *home, http_payload_t const *hdr))
 Copy a http_payload_t header structure.
http_payload_thttp_payload_make (su_home_t *home, char const *s))
 Make a header structure http_payload_t.
http_payload_thttp_payload_format (su_home_t *home, char const *fmt,...)))
 Make a message payload from formatting result.


msg_hclass_t http_request_class []
 Header class for HTTP request line.
msg_parse_f http_request_d
 Decode (parse) a request line.
msg_print_f http_request_e
 Encode (print) a request line.
msg_hclass_t http_status_class []
 Header class for HTTP status line.
msg_parse_f http_status_d
 Decode (parse) a status line.
msg_print_f http_status_e
 Encode (print) a status line.
msg_hclass_t http_accept_class []
 Header class for HTTP Accept header.
msg_parse_f http_accept_d
 Decode (parse) a Accept header.
msg_print_f http_accept_e
 Encode (print) a Accept header.
msg_hclass_t http_accept_charset_class []
 Header class for HTTP Accept-Charset header.
msg_parse_f http_accept_charset_d
 Decode (parse) a Accept-Charset header.
msg_print_f http_accept_charset_e
 Encode (print) a Accept-Charset header.
msg_hclass_t http_accept_encoding_class []
 Header class for HTTP Accept-Encoding header.
msg_parse_f http_accept_encoding_d
 Decode (parse) a Accept-Encoding header.
msg_print_f http_accept_encoding_e
 Encode (print) a Accept-Encoding header.
msg_hclass_t http_accept_language_class []
 Header class for HTTP Accept-Language header.
msg_parse_f http_accept_language_d
 Decode (parse) a Accept-Language header.
msg_print_f http_accept_language_e
 Encode (print) a Accept-Language header.
msg_hclass_t http_accept_ranges_class []
 Header class for HTTP Accept-Ranges header.
msg_parse_f http_accept_ranges_d
 Decode (parse) a Accept-Ranges header.
msg_print_f http_accept_ranges_e
 Encode (print) a Accept-Ranges header.
msg_hclass_t http_allow_class []
 Header class for HTTP Allow header.
msg_parse_f http_allow_d
 Decode (parse) a Allow header.
msg_print_f http_allow_e
 Encode (print) a Allow header.
msg_hclass_t http_authentication_info_class []
 Header class for HTTP Authentication-Info header.
msg_parse_f http_authentication_info_d
 Decode (parse) a Authentication-Info header.
msg_print_f http_authentication_info_e
 Encode (print) a Authentication-Info header.
msg_hclass_t http_authorization_class []
 Header class for HTTP Authorization header.
msg_parse_f http_authorization_d
 Decode (parse) a Authorization header.
msg_print_f http_authorization_e
 Encode (print) a Authorization header.
msg_hclass_t http_age_class []
 Header class for HTTP Age header.
msg_parse_f http_age_d
 Decode (parse) a Age header.
msg_print_f http_age_e
 Encode (print) a Age header.
msg_hclass_t http_cache_control_class []
 Header class for HTTP Cache-Control header.
msg_parse_f http_cache_control_d
 Decode (parse) a Cache-Control header.
msg_print_f http_cache_control_e
 Encode (print) a Cache-Control header.
msg_hclass_t http_connection_class []
 Header class for HTTP Connection header.
msg_parse_f http_connection_d
 Decode (parse) a Connection header.
msg_print_f http_connection_e
 Encode (print) a Connection header.
msg_hclass_t http_date_class []
 Header class for HTTP Date header.
msg_parse_f http_date_d
 Decode (parse) a Date header.
msg_print_f http_date_e
 Encode (print) a Date header.
msg_hclass_t http_etag_class []
 Header class for HTTP ETag header.
msg_parse_f http_etag_d
 Decode (parse) a ETag header.
msg_print_f http_etag_e
 Encode (print) a ETag header.
msg_hclass_t http_expect_class []
 Header class for HTTP Expect header.
msg_parse_f http_expect_d
 Decode (parse) a Expect header.
msg_print_f http_expect_e
 Encode (print) a Expect header.
msg_hclass_t http_expires_class []
 Header class for HTTP Expires header.
msg_parse_f http_expires_d
 Decode (parse) a Expires header.
msg_print_f http_expires_e
 Encode (print) a Expires header.
msg_hclass_t http_from_class []
 Header class for HTTP From header.
msg_parse_f http_from_d
 Decode (parse) a From header.
msg_print_f http_from_e
 Encode (print) a From header.
msg_hclass_t http_host_class []
 Header class for HTTP Host header.
msg_parse_f http_host_d
 Decode (parse) a Host header.
msg_print_f http_host_e
 Encode (print) a Host header.
msg_hclass_t http_if_match_class []
 Header class for HTTP If-Match header.
msg_parse_f http_if_match_d
 Decode (parse) a If-Match header.
msg_print_f http_if_match_e
 Encode (print) a If-Match header.
msg_hclass_t http_if_modified_since_class []
 Header class for HTTP If-Modified-Since header.
msg_parse_f http_if_modified_since_d
 Decode (parse) a If-Modified-Since header.
msg_print_f http_if_modified_since_e
 Encode (print) a If-Modified-Since header.
msg_hclass_t http_if_none_match_class []
 Header class for HTTP If-None-Match header.
msg_parse_f http_if_none_match_d
 Decode (parse) a If-None-Match header.
msg_print_f http_if_none_match_e
 Encode (print) a If-None-Match header.
msg_hclass_t http_if_range_class []
 Header class for HTTP If-Range header.
msg_parse_f http_if_range_d
 Decode (parse) a If-Range header.
msg_print_f http_if_range_e
 Encode (print) a If-Range header.
msg_hclass_t http_if_unmodified_since_class []
 Header class for HTTP If-Unmodified-Since header.
msg_parse_f http_if_unmodified_since_d
 Decode (parse) a If-Unmodified-Since header.
msg_print_f http_if_unmodified_since_e
 Encode (print) a If-Unmodified-Since header.
msg_hclass_t http_last_modified_class []
 Header class for HTTP Last-Modified header.
msg_parse_f http_last_modified_d
 Decode (parse) a Last-Modified header.
msg_print_f http_last_modified_e
 Encode (print) a Last-Modified header.
msg_hclass_t http_location_class []
 Header class for HTTP Location header.
msg_parse_f http_location_d
 Decode (parse) a Location header.
msg_print_f http_location_e
 Encode (print) a Location header.
msg_hclass_t http_max_forwards_class []
 Header class for HTTP Max-Forwards header.
msg_parse_f http_max_forwards_d
 Decode (parse) a Max-Forwards header.
msg_print_f http_max_forwards_e
 Encode (print) a Max-Forwards header.
msg_hclass_t http_pragma_class []
 Header class for HTTP Pragma header.
msg_parse_f http_pragma_d
 Decode (parse) a Pragma header.
msg_print_f http_pragma_e
 Encode (print) a Pragma header.
msg_hclass_t http_proxy_authenticate_class []
 Header class for HTTP Proxy-Authenticate header.
msg_parse_f http_proxy_authenticate_d
 Decode (parse) a Proxy-Authenticate header.
msg_print_f http_proxy_authenticate_e
 Encode (print) a Proxy-Authenticate header.
msg_hclass_t http_proxy_authorization_class []
 Header class for HTTP Proxy-Authorization header.
msg_parse_f http_proxy_authorization_d
 Decode (parse) a Proxy-Authorization header.
msg_print_f http_proxy_authorization_e
 Encode (print) a Proxy-Authorization header.
msg_hclass_t http_range_class []
 Header class for HTTP Range header.
msg_parse_f http_range_d
 Decode (parse) a Range header.
msg_print_f http_range_e
 Encode (print) a Range header.
msg_hclass_t http_referer_class []
 Header class for HTTP Referer header.
msg_parse_f http_referer_d
 Decode (parse) a Referer header.
msg_print_f http_referer_e
 Encode (print) a Referer header.
msg_hclass_t http_retry_after_class []
 Header class for HTTP Retry-After header.
msg_parse_f http_retry_after_d
 Decode (parse) a Retry-After header.
msg_print_f http_retry_after_e
 Encode (print) a Retry-After header.
msg_hclass_t http_server_class []
 Header class for HTTP Server header.
msg_parse_f http_server_d
 Decode (parse) a Server header.
msg_print_f http_server_e
 Encode (print) a Server header.
msg_hclass_t http_te_class []
 Header class for HTTP TE header.
msg_parse_f http_te_d
 Decode (parse) a TE header.
msg_print_f http_te_e
 Encode (print) a TE header.
msg_hclass_t http_trailer_class []
 Header class for HTTP Trailer header.
msg_parse_f http_trailer_d
 Decode (parse) a Trailer header.
msg_print_f http_trailer_e
 Encode (print) a Trailer header.
msg_hclass_t http_transfer_encoding_class []
 Header class for HTTP Transfer-Encoding header.
msg_parse_f http_transfer_encoding_d
 Decode (parse) a Transfer-Encoding header.
msg_print_f http_transfer_encoding_e
 Encode (print) a Transfer-Encoding header.
msg_hclass_t http_upgrade_class []
 Header class for HTTP Upgrade header.
msg_parse_f http_upgrade_d
 Decode (parse) a Upgrade header.
msg_print_f http_upgrade_e
 Encode (print) a Upgrade header.
msg_hclass_t http_user_agent_class []
 Header class for HTTP User-Agent header.
msg_parse_f http_user_agent_d
 Decode (parse) a User-Agent header.
msg_print_f http_user_agent_e
 Encode (print) a User-Agent header.
msg_hclass_t http_vary_class []
 Header class for HTTP Vary header.
msg_parse_f http_vary_d
 Decode (parse) a Vary header.
msg_print_f http_vary_e
 Encode (print) a Vary header.
msg_hclass_t http_via_class []
 Header class for HTTP Via header.
msg_parse_f http_via_d
 Decode (parse) a Via header.
msg_print_f http_via_e
 Encode (print) a Via header.
msg_hclass_t http_warning_class []
 Header class for HTTP Warning header.
msg_parse_f http_warning_d
 Decode (parse) a Warning header.
msg_print_f http_warning_e
 Encode (print) a Warning header.
msg_hclass_t http_www_authenticate_class []
 Header class for HTTP WWW-Authenticate header.
msg_parse_f http_www_authenticate_d
 Decode (parse) a WWW-Authenticate header.
msg_print_f http_www_authenticate_e
 Encode (print) a WWW-Authenticate header.
msg_hclass_t http_proxy_connection_class []
 Header class for HTTP Proxy-Connection header.
msg_parse_f http_proxy_connection_d
 Decode (parse) a Proxy-Connection header.
msg_print_f http_proxy_connection_e
 Encode (print) a Proxy-Connection header.
msg_hclass_t http_set_cookie_class []
 Header class for HTTP Set-Cookie header.
msg_parse_f http_set_cookie_d
 Decode (parse) a Set-Cookie header.
msg_print_f http_set_cookie_e
 Encode (print) a Set-Cookie header.
msg_hclass_t http_cookie_class []
 Header class for HTTP Cookie header.
msg_parse_f http_cookie_d
 Decode (parse) a Cookie header.
msg_print_f http_cookie_e
 Encode (print) a Cookie header.
msg_hclass_t http_mime_version_class []
 Header class for HTTP MIME-Version header.
msg_parse_f http_mime_version_d
 Decode (parse) a MIME-Version header.
msg_print_f http_mime_version_e
 Encode (print) a MIME-Version header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_encoding_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Encoding header.
msg_parse_f http_content_encoding_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Encoding header.
msg_print_f http_content_encoding_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Encoding header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_language_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Language header.
msg_parse_f http_content_language_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Language header.
msg_print_f http_content_language_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Language header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_length_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Length header.
msg_parse_f http_content_length_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Length header.
msg_print_f http_content_length_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Length header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_location_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Location header.
msg_parse_f http_content_location_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Location header.
msg_print_f http_content_location_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Location header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_md5_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-MD5 header.
msg_parse_f http_content_md5_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-MD5 header.
msg_print_f http_content_md5_e
 Encode (print) a Content-MD5 header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_range_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Range header.
msg_parse_f http_content_range_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Range header.
msg_print_f http_content_range_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Range header.
msg_hclass_t http_content_type_class []
 Header class for HTTP Content-Type header.
msg_parse_f http_content_type_d
 Decode (parse) a Content-Type header.
msg_print_f http_content_type_e
 Encode (print) a Content-Type header.
msg_hclass_t http_unknown_class []
 Header class for HTTP unknown headers.
msg_parse_f http_unknown_d
 Decode (parse) a unknown headers.
msg_print_f http_unknown_e
 Encode (print) a unknown headers.
msg_hclass_t http_error_class []
 Header class for HTTP erroneous headers.
msg_parse_f http_error_d
 Decode (parse) a erroneous headers.
msg_print_f http_error_e
 Encode (print) a erroneous headers.
msg_hclass_t http_separator_class []
 Header class for HTTP separator line between headers and body.
msg_parse_f http_separator_d
 Decode (parse) a separator line between headers and body.
msg_print_f http_separator_e
 Encode (print) a separator line between headers and body.
msg_hclass_t http_payload_class []
 Header class for HTTP message payload.
msg_parse_f http_payload_d
 Decode (parse) a message payload.
msg_print_f http_payload_e
 Encode (print) a message payload.

Detailed Description

Macros for each HTTP header.

This file is automatically generated from <http.h> by msg_parser.awk.

Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>

Define Documentation


Defined when <sofia-sip/http_protos.h> has been included.

 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Sofia-SIP 1.12.11 - Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.