Data Fields

auth_challenge_t Struct Reference

Parameters for digest-challenge. More...

#include <auth_digest.h>

Data Fields

char const * ac_realm
char const * ac_domain
char const * ac_nonce
char const * ac_opaque
char const * ac_algorithm
char const * ac_qop
unsigned ac_stale: 1
unsigned ac_md5: 1
 algorithm=MS5 (or missing)
unsigned ac_md5sess: 1
unsigned ac_sha1: 1
 algorithm=sha1 (SSA Hash)
unsigned ac_auth: 1
unsigned ac_auth_int: 1

Detailed Description

Parameters for digest-challenge.

The digest-challenge is sent by server or proxy to client. It can be included in, e.g, WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate headers.

   challenge        =  "Digest" digest-challenge
   digest-challenge  = 1#( realm | [domain] | nonce |
                           [opaque] | [stale] | [algorithm] |
                           [qop-options] | [auth-param] )
   domain            = "domain" "=" <"> URI ( 1*SP URI ) <">
   URI               = absoluteURI | abs_path
   nonce             = "nonce" "=" nonce-value
   nonce-value       = quoted-string
   opaque            = "opaque" "=" quoted-string
   stale             = "stale" "=" ( "true" | "false" )
   algorithm         = "algorithm" "=" ( "MD5" | "MD5-sess" | token )
   qop-options       = "qop" "=" <"> 1#qop-value <">
   qop-value         = "auth" | "auth-int" | token
See also:
RFC 2617
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