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sofia-sip/su_log.h File Reference

SU logging interface. More...

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sofia-sip/su_config.h>
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Data Structures

struct  su_log_s
 Log object. More...


#define SU_LOG_T
 Defined when the type su_log_t has been defined.
#define SU_LOG_H
 Defined when <sofia-sip/su_log.h> has been included.
#define SU_LOG_INIT(name, env, level)
 Initialize a su_log_t structure.


typedef struct su_log_s su_log_t
 Type of log structure.
typedef void( su_logger_f )(void *stream, char const *fmt, va_list ap)
 Prototype for logging function.


void su_log (char const *fmt,...)))
 Log a message to default log.
void su_llog (su_log_t *log, unsigned level, char const *fmt,...)))
 Log a message with level.
void su_vllog (su_log_t *log, unsigned level, char const *fmt, va_list ap)
 Log a message with level (stdarg version).
void su_log_redirect (su_log_t *log, su_logger_f *f, void *stream)
 Redirect a log.
void su_log_set_level (su_log_t *log, unsigned level)
 Set log level.
void su_log_soft_set_level (su_log_t *log, unsigned level)
 Set log level.
void su_log_init (su_log_t *log)
 Initialize a log.
void su_perror (char const *s)
 Log the latest su error message.
void su_perror2 (char const *s, int errcode)
 Log the su error message.


su_log_t su_log_default []
 Default debug log.
su_log_t su_log_global []
 Debug log for su module.

Detailed Description

SU logging interface.

Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>.
Created: Thu Feb 22 18:09:02 2001 ppessi

Define Documentation

#define SU_LOG_H

Defined when <sofia-sip/su_log.h> has been included.

#define SU_LOG_T

Defined when the type su_log_t has been defined.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct su_log_s su_log_t

Type of log structure.

Function Documentation

void su_llog ( su_log_t log,
unsigned  level,
char const *  fmt,

Log a message with level.

This function is used mainly by SU_DEBUG_n() macros.
void su_log ( char const *  fmt,

Log a message to default log.

This function is a replacement for printf().

Messages are always logged to the default log.

void su_log_redirect ( su_log_t log,
su_logger_f logger,
void *  logarg 

Redirect a log.

The function su_log_redirect() redirects the su_log() output to logger function. The logger function has following prototype:

 void logger(void *logarg, char const *format, va_list ap);

If logger is NULL, the default logger will be used. If log is NULL, the default logger is changed.

void su_log_set_level ( su_log_t log,
unsigned  level 

Set log level.

The function su_log_set_level() sets the logging level. The log events have certain level (0..9); if logging level is lower than the level of the event, the log message is ignored.

If log is NULL, the default log level is changed.

void su_log_soft_set_level ( su_log_t log,
unsigned  level 

Set log level.

The function su_log_soft_set_level() sets the logging level if it is not already set, or the environment variable controlling the log level is not set.

The log events have certain level (0..9); if logging level is lower than the level of the event, the log message is ignored.

If log is NULL, the default log level is changed.

void su_perror2 ( const char *  s,
int  errcode 

Log the su error message.

void su_vllog ( su_log_t log,
unsigned  level,
char const *  fmt,
va_list  ap 

Log a message with level (stdarg version).

Variable Documentation

Default debug log.

If a source module does not define a log object, the output from su_log() function or SU_DEBUG_X() macros use this log object. Also, if a log function references log object with NULL pointer, the su_log_default object is used.

If output from another log object is not redirected with su_log_redirect(), the output can be redirected via this log object.

If the logging level of a log object is not set with su_log_set_level(), or the environment variable directing its level is not set, the log level from the su_log_default object is used.

The level of su_log_default is set using SOFIA_DEBUG environment variable.

Debug log for su module.

The su_log_global is the log object used by su module. The level of su_log_global is set using SU_DEBUG environment variable.

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