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sofia-sip/su_tag.h File Reference

Object-oriented tags and tag list interface. More...

#include <sofia-sip/su_config.h>
#include <sofia-sip/su_types.h>
#include <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
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Data Structures

struct  tagi_t
 Tag item. More...
struct  tag_type_s
 Tag structure. More...


#define SU_TAG_H
 Defined when <sofia-sip/su_tag.h> has been included.
#define TAG_LIST
 Tag list signature.
#define TAG_NULL()
 Initialize a tag item marking the end of list.
#define TAG_END()
 Initialize a tag item marking the end of list.
#define TAG_SKIP(x)
 Initialize an empty tag item.
#define TAG_NEXT(next)
 Initialize a tag item pointing to another tag list at next.
#define TAG_ANY()
 Initialize a filter tag item accepting any item.
#define TAG_IF(condition, item)
 Initialize a item if condition is true; otherwise, initialize an empty tag item.
#define TAG_FILTER(function)
 Initialize a filter tag item accepting any item.
#define SU_ALIGN(x)
 Align to pointer size.


typedef struct tag_type_s const * tag_type_t
 Tag item type.
typedef intptr_t tag_value_t
 Tag item value.
typedef struct tag_class_s const tag_class_t
 Tag type class.
typedef struct tag_type_s const tag_typedef_t [1]
 Definition of tag type.
typedef int tag_filter_f (tagi_t const *filter, tagi_t const *dest)
 Prototype for filtering function used with TAG_FILTER().


int t_snprintf (tagi_t const *t, char b[], size_t size)
 Convert tag item to a string.
int t_scan (tag_type_t tt, su_home_t *home, char const *s, tag_value_t *return_value)
 Convert string to a tag value.
tagi_ttl_tlist (su_home_t *, tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Allocate and duplicate tagged arguments as a tag list using memory home.
size_t tl_tmove (tagi_t *dst, size_t, tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Move a tag list.
int tl_gets (tagi_t const lst[], tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Find tags from given list.
int tl_tgets (tagi_t lst[], tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Find tags from given list.
tagi_ttl_tfilter (su_home_t *, tagi_t const lst[], tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Filter tag list src with given tags.
int tl_tremove (tagi_t lst[], tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Remove listed tags from the list lst.
size_t tl_len (tagi_t const lst[])
 Calculate effective length of a tag list as bytes.
size_t tl_vllen (tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, va_list ap)
 Calculate length of a linear tag list.
size_t tl_xtra (tagi_t const lst[], size_t offset)
 Calculate the size of extra memory areas associated with tag list.
tagi_ttl_next (tagi_t const *lst)
 Get next tag item from list.
tagi_ttl_move (tagi_t *dst, tagi_t const src[])
 Move a tag list.
tagi_ttl_dup (tagi_t dst[], tagi_t const lst[], void **bb)
 Duplicate a tag list.
tagi_ttl_adup (su_home_t *, tagi_t const lst[])
 Allocate and duplicate a tag list using memory home.
void tl_free (tagi_t list[])
 Free a tag list.
tagi_ttl_find (tagi_t const lst[], tag_type_t tt)
 Find first tag item with type tt from list.
tagi_ttl_find_last (tagi_t const lst[], tag_type_t tt)
 Find last tag item with type tt from list.
tagi_ttl_afilter (su_home_t *, tagi_t const filter[], tagi_t const lst[])
 Filter a tag list.
tagi_ttl_filtered_tlist (su_home_t *home, tagi_t const filter[], tag_type_t, tag_value_t,...)
 Create a filtered tag list.
size_t tl_vlen (va_list ap)
 Calculate length of a tag list with a va_list.
tagi_ttl_list (tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value,...)
 Make a tag list until TAG_NEXT() or TAG_END().
tagi_ttl_vlist (va_list ap)
 Convert va_list to tag list.
tagi_ttl_llist (tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value,...)
 Make a linear tag list until TAG_END().
tagi_ttl_vllist (tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, va_list ap)
 Make a linear tag list.
void tl_vfree (tagi_t *t)
 Free a tag list allocated by tl_list(), tl_llist() or tl_vlist().


tag_typedef_t tag_null
 End of tag list.
tag_typedef_t tag_skip
 Ignore tag item.
tag_typedef_t tag_next
 Jump to another tag list.
tag_typedef_t tag_any
 Any tag accepted when filtering.
tag_typedef_t tag_filter
 Filter tag using function as argument.

Detailed Description

Object-oriented tags and tag list interface.

Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>
Created: Tue Feb 20 19:48:18 2001 ppessi

Define Documentation

#define SU_TAG_H

Defined when <sofia-sip/su_tag.h> has been included.

#define TAG_ANY (  ) 

Initialize a filter tag item accepting any item.

#define TAG_END (  ) 

Initialize a tag item marking the end of list.

Equivalent to TAG_NULL().

#define TAG_FILTER (   function  ) 

Initialize a filter tag item accepting any item.

New in 1.12.2.
#define TAG_IF (   condition,

Initialize a item if condition is true; otherwise, initialize an empty tag item.

#define TAG_NEXT (   next  ) 

Initialize a tag item pointing to another tag list at next.

#define TAG_NULL (  ) 

Initialize a tag item marking the end of list.

Equivalent to TAG_END().

#define TAG_SKIP (   x  ) 

Initialize an empty tag item.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int tag_filter_f(tagi_t const *filter, tagi_t const *dest)

Prototype for filtering function used with TAG_FILTER().

New in 1.12.2.
typedef struct tag_type_s const tag_typedef_t[1]

Definition of tag type.

Function Documentation

tagi_t* tl_adup ( su_home_t home,
tagi_t const   lst[] 

Allocate and duplicate a tag list using memory home.

tagi_t* tl_afilter ( su_home_t home,
tagi_t const   filter[],
tagi_t const   src[] 

Filter a tag list.

The function tl_afilter() will build a tag list containing tags specified in filter and extracted from src. It will allocate the memory used by tag list via the specified memory home, which may be also NULL.

See also:
tl_afilter(), tl_tfilter(), tl_filtered_tlist(), TAG_FILTER(), TAG_ANY(), ns_tag_class
tagi_t* tl_dup ( tagi_t  dst[],
tagi_t const   src[],
void **  bb 

Duplicate a tag list.

Deep copy the tag list src to the buffer dst. Memory areas associated with src are copied to buffer at **bb.

This is a rather low-level function. See tl_adup() for a more convenient functionality.

The size of the dst buffer must be at least tl_len(src) bytes. The size of buffer **bb must be at least tl_dup_xtra(src) bytes.

[out] dst pointer to the destination buffer
[in] src tag list to be duplicated
[in,out] bb pointer to pointer to buffer
A pointer to the dst list after last duplicated taglist element.

The pointer at *bb is updated to the byte after last duplicated memory area.

tagi_t* tl_filtered_tlist ( su_home_t home,
tagi_t const   filter[],
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Create a filtered tag list.

See also:
tl_afilter(), tl_tfilter(), TAG_FILTER(), TAG_ANY(), ns_tag_class
tagi_t* tl_find ( tagi_t const   lst[],
tag_type_t  tt 

Find first tag item with type tt from list.

tagi_t* tl_find_last ( tagi_t const   lst[],
tag_type_t  tt 

Find last tag item with type tt from list.

void tl_free ( tagi_t  list[]  ) 

Free a tag list.

The function tl_free() frees resources associated with a tag list. In other words, it calls t_free on each tag item on the list.

int tl_gets ( tagi_t const   lst[],
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Find tags from given list.

size_t tl_len ( tagi_t const   lst[]  ) 

Calculate effective length of a tag list as bytes.

tagi_t* tl_move ( tagi_t dst,
tagi_t const   src[] 

Move a tag list.

The function tl_move() copies the tag list src to the buffer dst. The size of the dst list must be at least tl_len(src) bytes.

dst pointer to the destination buffer
src tag list to be moved
The function tl_move() returns a pointer to the dst list after last moved element.
tagi_t* tl_tfilter ( su_home_t home,
tagi_t const   src[],
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Filter tag list src with given tags.

See also:
tl_afilter(), tl_filtered_tlist(), TAG_FILTER(), TAG_ANY(), ns_tag_class
int tl_tgets ( tagi_t  lst[],
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Find tags from given list.

Copies values of argument tag list into the reference tags in the tag list lst.

See also:
tagi_t* tl_tlist ( su_home_t home,
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Allocate and duplicate tagged arguments as a tag list using memory home.

size_t tl_tmove ( tagi_t dst,
size_t  size,
tag_type_t  t_tag,
tag_value_t  t_value,

Move a tag list.

The function tl_tmove() moves the tag list arguments to dst. The dst must have big enough for all arguments.

dst pointer to the destination buffer
size sizeof dst
t_tag,t_value,... tag list
The function tl_tmove() returns number of tag list items initialized.
int tl_tremove ( tagi_t  lst[],
tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,

Remove listed tags from the list lst.

void tl_vfree ( tagi_t t  ) 

Free a tag list allocated by tl_list(), tl_llist() or tl_vlist().

size_t tl_vlen ( va_list  ap  ) 

Calculate length of a tag list with a va_list.

size_t tl_vllen ( tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,
va_list  ap 

Calculate length of a linear tag list.

tagi_t* tl_vllist ( tag_type_t  tag,
tag_value_t  value,
va_list  ap 

Make a linear tag list.

size_t tl_xtra ( tagi_t const   lst[],
size_t  offset 

Calculate the size of extra memory areas associated with tag list.

Variable Documentation

Any tag accepted when filtering.

Filter tag using function as argument.

New in 1.12.2.

Ignore tag item.

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