Sofia SIP User Agent Library - "nea" - SIP Events Module


Module Meta Information

Sofia Event API provides an interface to different events used in SIP presence and conferencing. Interface used both in client and server sides is presented in <sofia-sip/nea.h>.

Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia-email.address.hidden>
Sofia SIP Core library

NEA server and events

Creating NEA server

NEA server generates, receives and sends events to subscribed parties. The server is presentity specific, ie. a different server is created for every presentity.

First, a server object is created. The object uses the NTA agent (nta_agent_t) that handles incoming and outgoing SIP messages.

The example below provides a way to create the NEA server. The function nea_server_create() creates the server. Parameters agent, root define the transaction engine. Third parameter is the address of the presentity. event_callback is a callback function pointer and is called every time a new user subscribes to an event that does not exist or requests for payload type that doesn't match.

 presence_t *presence_create(su_root_t *root,
                             nta_agent_t *agent,
                             sip_contact_t const *m)
   presentity_t *pr = su_home_clone(p->p_home, sizeof (*pr));
   pr->pr_nes =
     nea_server_create(agent, root,
                       event_callback, pr,
                       SIPTAG_SERVER_STR("Sofia-SIP NEA"),

Creating Events

Next, events are created. The function nea_event_create () defines an event, its package and content types (a comma separated list). The parameter presence_callback defines the callback function that is called when a someone subscribes to a defined event.

 #define PRESENCE_PACKAGE "presence"
 #define XPIDF_MIME_TYPE "application/xpidf+xml"
 #define PIDF_MIME_TYPE "application/cpim-pidf+xml"

 ne = nea_event_create(pr->pr_nes, presence_callback, ep,
                       PRESENCE_PACKAGE, NULL,
                       PIDF_MIME_TYPE "," XPIDF_MIME_TYPE);

Operating with event payloads

A new payload can be inserted to a event with the function nea_server_update(). The 4th parameter describes if the updated content is a fake (for unauthorized subscribers). A real payload is inserted (updated) with the 4th parameter being 0. If the event is not updated with the content type ct before, a new content type format for the event is created. Otherwise the old payload is replaced with the new one.

After the update, subscribers of the event are notified (with SIP NOTIFY) of the changed payload with nea_server_update ().

 nea_server_update(pr->pr_nes, home, event, 1,

 nea_server_notify(pr->pr_nes, event);

Obtaining the event's payload and removing it is presented in the example below. The event is defined as a part of the package_t structure. Function nea_payloads_get() is used to return a payload (in this case content type being predefined "application/cpim-pidf+xml"). The real and fake payloads are stored in the structure nea_payloads_t. Finally, the payload is removed with nea_payload_remove().

 int remove_old_payload(package_t *ep)
   nea_payloads_t *np;
   sip_content_type_t *ct;
   sip_payload_t *real;
   sip_payload_t *fake;

   event = ep->ep_event;

   np = nea_payloads_get(event, PIDF_MIME_TYPE);
   ct = nea_content_type_get(np);
   real = nea_payload_get(np);
   fake = nea_fake_get(np);
   nea_payload_remove(ep->ep_home, np);

   return 0;
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